Having explained our freedom from guilt and having torn society apart, let us now examine security. In our TV beginning, we would have told anyone what we were doing only the occasion did not arise, so we did not tell. Now, things have changed as mentioned above and we doubt that we would tell anyone because of their reactions. Our crowd would not think us homosexual because of cross-dressing, only weird, and most people (even TVs) may accept, but not desire the company, of those we think weird. Thus, we have learned we must consider TVism in our choice of friends; close friends being defined as those who know us in our totality and who would experi- ence a loss in our deaths or misfortunes.
Philosophy and Conclusion
Our philosophy does not forbid cross-dressing nor does it require blind acceptance of custom or non-safety laws simply because they exist. Instead it encourages the enjoyment of life, the fulfillment of goals, and the treatment of individuals based on their total person- alities rather than isolated attributes. Example: We cannot accept the reverse of the "Halo Effect," one bad attribute overshadows all good.
In conclusion, Betty is here and here she will stay until her brother leaves this earth. And when depart he does, Heaven may never be the same. Cross-dressing is enjoyable and it helps me take an interest in my GG-wife in an area where most men don't give a hang. Thus, my GG feels free to be interested in activities of general interest to men. This ends my autobiography and as can readily be seen, TVism has brought husband and wife closer than strict role playing ever could have.
I Assisted at the Birth
by Fran-Betty's G.G.
We (my husband and I) happened to be at a department store ap- proximately four year ago looking at some spike heels I was thinking about buying. I was complaining to my husband that walking in high heels (4") for a long period of time was extrmely uncomfortable. He